How are you different from the do-it-yourself sites?

Uncontested Divorce Hampton RoadsThe primary difference is ‘You will have a lawyer by your side.’ Everything is done for you. The completion of court forms (pleadings, waivers, affidavits, final decree, restoration of pre-marriage name) and preparation of the other supporting documents; the decisions regarding where to file and when, even the travel to the court house to file the paperwork . . . all are all handled by us.

And because we have the cumulative experience of over 50 years in handling divorces, you will have the assurance of knowing it is done in a smooth, quick and professional manner. Yes, we are more expensive than those do-it-yourself site, but only a few dollars more you will have the confidence that it is being done correctly in the quickest time.

Another benefit: you will be working with an attorney. While this sounds like a downside (attorneys cost money, right?), keep it mind that it does not increase the cost of the process. If you proceed with the divorce, the consultation is wrapped into the fee for the divorce. In the 30 minute consultation, we make sure that there are no hidden issues and no misconceptions as to your rights. For example, perhaps you have been told by your spouse that you are not entitled to anything (property, support, etc.) because the marriage was ‘too short’. Believing him or her, you just ‘want out’. We will explain the law and what a judge might do in your case. We will help you to decide if the simple, uncontested divorce you are seeking really is in your best interests.

  • Attorney Fee: $500 (includes waiver form for spouse to sign).
  • Court costs $89 to $95 (depending upon jurisdiction)
  • Restore pre-marriage name: $75 plus $32 filing fee.
  • Simple Separation Agreement, if needed for 6 month divorce: $400

cheap divorce york county(*A ‘Simple Separation Agreement means one that reflects that all issues between the parties have been resolved, that there are no children; that there are no joint debts, and no jointly owned property that require division; that there is no support to be paid between the parties. Other Separation Agreements with appropriate detail as to custody, support, property and debt division are priced higher, depending upon content. The fee for such Agreements will be quoted at a fixed amount so there will be no ‘surprises’.) Other services: to be set at time of consultation. (Fee will be fixed, If reasonably possible.)